Wednesday, June 28

Ivan's first trip to the Zoo..

I don't have pictures yet, but we all made our first trip to the Tulsa Zoo last weekend. Joey decided about 5:00pm on Saturday that we should go to the zoo, so we packed up and headed to Tulsa Saturday night. We got there around 9-ish, and Ivan was so excited about the motel room! He ran around, jumped off the window sill, played pillow fight with his daddy, just about anything but sleeping! He eventually knocked out around 11:00!!

We got to the zoo at 9 am just as they were opening on Sunday morning. This zoo is quite different than the Memphis zoo, not as new or as pretty, but hey it works. I think us and one or two other couples were the only ones there for a couple of hours so we had the whole zoo to ourselves!! We walked into one of the enclosed exotic bird exhibits, and Ivan said "I smell the poot monster"...(it was pretty rank in there!) He says the funniest stuff!

Ivan had sooo much fun! But by the end we decided to ride the train that goes around the zoo and he was nodding off to sleep, so we decided it was time to go home about 1:00. We had a really nice mini-vacay, it was nice and cool, and there was lots of shade and best of all NO CROWD!

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