Friday, March 27

Aubree finally has some hair...

My baby girl finally has some hair! Enough that a barrette is needed to keep it out of her eyes. Other kids her age have long locks of thick curly or straight hair , and until now she has barely had enough for me to clip a bow in. Here's a time lapse of photos from last summer til this month....

Daddy Day Care

Well since our house has been built and the economy is exactly thriving, Thursday's and Friday's have been Daddy day care around our house for the past couple of months. I've enjoyed it, since I usually have my dinner ready for me on those days and I don't have to pick up kids....don't exactly know how much daddy has though. :) However there are some draw backs, notice how my sweet little girl is being turned into a tom boy. I usually come home to find that she's been in her Pj's all day or is dressed in boy clothing, see below. She is becoming quite a Daddy's girl.